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Denumirea postului | Anunţul de concurs | Tematica şi bibliografia | Rezultate |
TEHNICIAN ADMINISTRATIV PNRR 760036 - Strengthening the digitalization of businesses in Eastern Europe – a micro and macro-level approach |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA 101132842-I3HIES-I3-2022-Cap2b, Boosting Interregional Innovation Investment and Cooperation among Health Innovation Ecosystems |
CERCETATOR STIINTIFIC (POST-DOCTORAND) PNRR nr. 760245/28.12.2023Scented Pathways: Unveiling the Relationship of Microbiomes with Olfactory Abilities and Psychological Well-Being , cod CF 32/28.07.2023 |
RESPONSABIL FINANCIAR „Targeted Tumor Therapy with multifunctional platinum(IV)-drug conjugates, T3Pt, PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8-CF", contract nr. 760240/28.12.2023 |
FIZICIAN 3 PNRR nr. 760037/23.05.2023 - Plasmon mediated biology: Exploitation of plasmonics to investigate and enhance biological processes and application to biomedical issues (acronym: BioPlasmonics) |
FIZICIAN 4 PNRR nr. 760037/23.05.2023 - Plasmon mediated biology: Exploitation of plasmonics to investigate and enhance biological processes and application to biomedical issues (acronym: BioPlasmonics) |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA (DOCTORAND) PNRR nr. 760245/28.12.2023 - Scented Pathways: Unveiling the Relationship of Microbiomes with Olfactory Abilities and Psychological Well-Being , cod CF 32/28.07.2023 |
RESPONSABIL TEHNIC Blue4EU. Engaging Young People with the Past to Commit to a European Future |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA (DOCTORAND) POZ.15 PNRR 760246/18.12.2023 - Neural mechanisms of trauma-related psychopathology in high-risk populations: A multi-method and prospective investigation into the roles of social-affective and social-cognitive processes |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA POZ.25 PNRR 760246/18.12.2023 - Neural mechanisms of trauma-related psychopathology in high-risk populations: A multi-method and prospective investigation into the roles of social-affective and social-cognitive processes |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA (DOCTORAND) POZ.26 PNRR 760246/18.12.2023 - Neural mechanisms of trauma-related psychopathology in high-risk populations: A multi-method and prospective investigation into the roles of social-affective and social-cognitive processes |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA DOCTORAND 3 PNRR 760036 - Strengthening the digitalization of businesses in Eastern Europe – a micro and macro-level approach |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA DOCTORAND 4 PNRR 760036 - Strengthening the digitalization of businesses in Eastern Europe – a micro and macro-level approach |
ASISTENT DE CERCETARE STIINTIFICA (DOCTORAND) PNRR nr. 760245/28.12.2023 - Scented Pathways: Unveiling the Relationship of Microbiomes with Olfactory Abilities and Psychological Well-Being , cod CF 32/28.07.2023 |