Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 9-12
Public access by appointment only.
Online appointment booking:
Please adhere to the scheduled time in order to avoid overcrowding and minimize waiting time. It is recommended that you wear a protective mask and comply with the sanitary measures as well as maintain physical distance with other people.
A storage fee of 200 lei will be charged for the release of (unclaimed) study documents dating back more than three academic years from the date of successful completion of the final examination. This provision is applicable to graduates who successfully completed their final degree examination as of June 2022. No storage fee will be levied for previously issued study documents.
- Access here the survey designed for graduates and select the option corresponding to the level of studies completed. Save or print the QR code received by e-mail/available at the end of the survey.
- The QR code can be presented for validation at the Documents of Studies Office, either on mobile phone or another device, or printed, within 6 months from the generation of the QR code.
Decision of UBB Administration Council regarding the completion of the evaluation survey for the labour market insertion of UBB graduates | Decision of CA-UBB |
For the attention of graduates requesting a Certificate of Completion for the Psycho-Pedagogical Training Programme!
Beginning with the graduating class of 2020, the Documents of Studies Office will issue Certificates of Completion for the Psycho-Pedagogical Training Programme based on the following documents:
Documents of study and academic documents such as diploma supplement/ academic transcript/ academic record are released to the graduate.
If the graduate cannot be present, documents can be releaesed to their assignee, based on an authorization letter authenticated by a notary/ power of attorney, which expressly mentions that the assignee can pick up documents of studies/ academic documents.
If the authorization letter was released on the territory of another state, it will be submitted in original with a certified translation. The authorization letter must be apostilled or superlegalized by the designated competent authorities of the state where it was issued, except for those issued in states which have concluded conventions, treaties or agreements with Romania on legal aid in civil matters, which provide exemption from legalization. Authorization letters issued by Romanian embassies or consulates in various states are accepted. Authorization letters issued with the signature of the ambassador/ consul are not required translation or apostillation/ superlegalization.
The syllabus is issued to the holder, or to another person, without the requirement to submit an authorization letter/ power of attorney.
Since the diplomas of the graduates who took the exit examination between June 1983 and February 1994 were not accompanied by academic transcripts, they can request the faculty they graduated to produce the academic transcript. The academic transcripts are released by the Documents of Studies Office under the conditions provided in chapter “Issuance of documents of studies and academic documents such as diploma supplement/ academic transcript/ academic record”
In case of loss, damage, destruction, lamination of a document of studies, a duplicate is released.
In order to be released the duplicate of a document of studies, the graduate will submit a request to the leadership of the institution, accompanied, as the case may be, by the following documents:
(click here to view Payment Methods)
The application request may be submitted by the graduate owning the document of study in question or by their assignee.
If the duplicate of a document of studies has been lost, damaged, destroyed or laminated, another duplicate will be issued to the graduate upon request.
The statutory term for the issuance of the duplicate of a document of studies is of maximum 30 calendar days from the approval of the application.
The release of a duplicate of a document of studies is made under the conditions provided in the chapter “Issuance of documents of studies and academic documents such as
diploma supplement/ academic transcript/ academic recordIn order to be released a certificate of authenticity for documents of study and other academic documents such as diploma supplement/ academic transcript, requested in order to be certified by the Ministry of Education and Research for apostille or for equivalence of studies abroad, the graduate will submit to the Documents of Studies Office the following documents:
(click here to view Payment Methods)
The statutory term for the issuance of a certificate of authenticity for the documents of studies is two working days from submitting the documents to the Documents of Studies Office.
Application form for issuance of certificate of authenticity
Until the diploma release, graduates who have passed the exit exam are issued a certificate of completion of studies, which gives the holder the same legal rights as the diploma, with the signatures and data contained in the diploma, as well as information on the form of education, study period, average score of the years of study.
In well-founded situations, where the certificate of completion of studies is not recognized abroad, the graduation diploma can be issued in an expedited manner. The application request for the expedited release of the graduation diploma, accompanied by proof of payment of the fee will be submitted to the Documents of Studies Office (the fee is 150 RON and can be paid cash or by debit or credit card at the Central Cashier's Office 14 I.C. Brătianu Street respectively by bank transfer or postal order).
(click here to view Payment Methods)
Note: Before requesting the expedited issuance of the diploma, please contact the Documents of Studies Office to check if the standard forms required for the preparation of diplomas are available.
The statutory term for expedited issuance of the graduation diploma is five working days from the date of registration of the application.
Application form for expedited issuance of the graduation diploma
Keep the originals of the documents of study safe and avoid submitting them in original with the admission/ competition files.
Do not laminate the originals of the documents of studies, as you may encounter difficulties to authenticate, authorize and apostille them.